If you have problems with immunity, you are most likely to get frequent bouts of cold, flu and some of those minor infections. Antibiotics are indeed the wonder drugs that they are made out to be, but recklessness in their use is not recommended.
It is a misnomer that antibiotics can treat and cure all viral and bacterial infections. Antibiotics do not have any affect on viruses and unnecessary administration can actually be counter productive. It can make your body immune to the drug and lead to bringing down of immunity. A natural antibiotic alternative can go a long way to help in prevent further damage that drugs can potentially cause and relieve symptoms as well.
Your body’s immune system is the first line of defense against foreign invaders: bacteria, pathogens, viruses, parasites or anything that can potentially cause disease. The spleen, thymus, lymphatic system and tonsils are all part of this extensive network of organs, tissues and cells including white blood cells, which help in self healing. Herbs for immune system and natural foods should be made a part of your daily routine to strengthen this complex system.
Low immunity is either primary or acquired. Primary conditions are mostly due to a genetic predisposition. Acquired conditions of low immunity are greatly affected by eating habits, lifestyle and overuse of medication for minor ailments like common cold etc.
There is scientific evidence that a natural diet, herbal antibiotics and an active lifestyle boost your immune system health and help in avoiding simple diseases as common cold or life threatening diseases like cancer.
* Vitamin A, C and E are most essential for maintaining immune system health. A handful of almonds daily will provide you sufficient quantity of Vitamin E. guava, oranges and other citrus fruits are a natural source of Vitamin C.
* Garlic is perhaps the oldest cultivated plant in the world and its history as an effective herbal antibiotic and a booster for the immune system dates back to the days when the pyramids were built. It is natural builder of white blood cells, one of the most important constituents of the immune system.
* Carrots and other red, orange and dark green vegetables contain carotenes, which are converted into Vitamin A by the liver. These are extremely helpful for protecting thymus gland. The thymus is a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes. It plays an important role in producing immunity and preventing atrophies due to advanced age
* Zinc is another element that is essential for immunity. The element is next only to iron in concentration in the body. Its deficiency can impact the immune system in more ways than one. It acts as a catalyst in immune responses for killing pathogens and necessary for white blood cells to perform their functions. Peanuts, peanut butter, and legumes and dark meat of chicken, beef and lamb are excellent sources of zinc.
* Six ounces of natural and fresh yogurt every day keeps the intestinal flora healthy for proper digestion. The yoghurt bacteria convert the lactose in milk into lactic acid, which is perfect for maximizing calcium absorption, vaginal and bladder infections.
* Among the herbs for immune system, Echinacea and the Ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha ((Withania somnifera) are worth mentioning for their stimulating affect on the immune system.
There is an old saying that says that whenever in doubt: go back to nature. A natural lifestyle and home cooked food coupled with daily exercise will keep many ailments at bay.
Article Courtesy of Native Remedies