Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Is Alternative Medicine A Cure For Candida ?

By Tess Thompson

Candida is naturally-occurring yeast that is present in the intestines, mouth, urinary tract and the vagina. The friendly bacteria in the intestines are responsible for checking the overgrowth of Candida, since the otherwise harmless yeast is capable of turning virulent if its prevalence increases. Once it grows and colonizes the gut, its fungal form Candida albicans can damage the intestinal walls. The problem starts when undigested food and toxins leak out of the gut and enter the blood stream.

Most of the symptoms of Candida are vague and confusing. Although there are more than a hundred symptoms of the disease, commonly Candida is associated with a heterogonous group of skin disorders characterized by superficial and recurring infections of the skin, mucous membranes, and nails with Candida albicans.

There are numerous options for candida treatments but the most common are over-the-counter creams and ointments. Antifungal agents are usually administered orally in the form of a nitrate. These drugs provide a very effective candida cure , but there is a caveat attached to every conventional medication. Allopathic drugs should only be taken if the disease if confirmed. The problem with Candida is that it is extremely difficult to diagnose, as the symptoms can confuse even a specialist. On the other hand, if you are taking medicines without consulting a doctor, you run the risk that your body may become resistant to the drug.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Tess Thompson

Anxiety is a condition that is soon gaining prominence since it can result from extreme stress. The changing scenario and a fast paced life almost forces most people to get caught in the rat race and undergo various high stress and tension periods during a week.

Significant stress and that too for long periods of time can have a damaging effect on the physiology of the person and can lead to many brain imbalances in the long term. Balance needs to be restored if frequent bouts of panic attacks or anxiety occur.

There is no need to start to take harmful medications with side effects if you feel that you are susceptible to anxiety and stress. There are many natural panic attack treatments that you can choose to adopt and these natural treatments do not have any of the ill effects that some strong allopathic medicines have.

But it is prudent to be cautious and not wait till the stress goes to dizzying heights and is difficult to control. Taking preventive measures is a good idea and therefore, when you sense that your body is giving you warning signs, you should start taking corrective action. Some of the steps that can provide anxiety relief are

  1. Take frequent breaks while working – a five-minute break after every 55 minutes of work will do you a lot of good and help you unwind.
  2. Breathe slowly – and be aware of your breathing while you do so.
  3. Reduce the amount of coffee that you have – limit it to a maximum of two cups a day, if you must.
  4. Exercise – this helps you remove waste from your body and also gives you a release. A ten-minute workout every morning or evening is enough. It also helps you to get a good night sleep.

You can also start taking some of the herbal supplements or medication that has been known to aid in relieving stress. Kava kava and valerian are just two such herbs that are extremely helpful in alleviating stress. Natural supplements like Vitamin B complex can also help in reducing stress levels in the long term.

Many people are now discovering the benefits of meditation and the manner in which it relaxes the mind and the body. The healing that this oriental practice provides is now being recognized by the entire world. Research conducted by Researcher Richard J. Davidson, PhD, and his colleagues has shown that not only does meditation improve mental alertness and emotional stability but also increases immunity and aids in keeping illnesses away.

Massage therapy can also provide anxiety relief and is beneficial in many ways. It improves blood circulation, relieves aching muscles, aids better sleep patterns, provides flexibility and agility and improves energy flow. All these physical benefits lead to a feel-good factor that helps ease anxiety and tension.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Saturday, 16 February 2008

How Can I Boost My Immune System ?

If you have problems with immunity, you are most likely to get frequent bouts of cold, flu and some of those minor infections. Antibiotics are indeed the wonder drugs that they are made out to be, but recklessness in their use is not recommended.

It is a misnomer that antibiotics can treat and cure all viral and bacterial infections. Antibiotics do not have any affect on viruses and unnecessary administration can actually be counter productive. It can make your body immune to the drug and lead to bringing down of immunity. A natural antibiotic alternative can go a long way to help in prevent further damage that drugs can potentially cause and relieve symptoms as well.

Your body’s immune system is the first line of defense against foreign invaders: bacteria, pathogens, viruses, parasites or anything that can potentially cause disease. The spleen, thymus, lymphatic system and tonsils are all part of this extensive network of organs, tissues and cells including white blood cells, which help in self healing. Herbs for immune system and natural foods should be made a part of your daily routine to strengthen this complex system.

Low immunity is either primary or acquired. Primary conditions are mostly due to a genetic predisposition. Acquired conditions of low immunity are greatly affected by eating habits, lifestyle and overuse of medication for minor ailments like common cold etc.

There is scientific evidence that a natural diet, herbal antibiotics and an active lifestyle boost your immune system health and help in avoiding simple diseases as common cold or life threatening diseases like cancer.

* Vitamin A, C and E are most essential for maintaining immune system health. A handful of almonds daily will provide you sufficient quantity of Vitamin E. guava, oranges and other citrus fruits are a natural source of Vitamin C.
* Garlic is perhaps the oldest cultivated plant in the world and its history as an effective herbal antibiotic and a booster for the immune system dates back to the days when the pyramids were built. It is natural builder of white blood cells, one of the most important constituents of the immune system.
* Carrots and other red, orange and dark green vegetables contain carotenes, which are converted into Vitamin A by the liver. These are extremely helpful for protecting thymus gland. The thymus is a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes. It plays an important role in producing immunity and preventing atrophies due to advanced age
* Zinc is another element that is essential for immunity. The element is next only to iron in concentration in the body. Its deficiency can impact the immune system in more ways than one. It acts as a catalyst in immune responses for killing pathogens and necessary for white blood cells to perform their functions. Peanuts, peanut butter, and legumes and dark meat of chicken, beef and lamb are excellent sources of zinc.
* Six ounces of natural and fresh yogurt every day keeps the intestinal flora healthy for proper digestion. The yoghurt bacteria convert the lactose in milk into lactic acid, which is perfect for maximizing calcium absorption, vaginal and bladder infections.
* Among the herbs for immune system, Echinacea and the Ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha ((Withania somnifera) are worth mentioning for their stimulating affect on the immune system.

There is an old saying that says that whenever in doubt: go back to nature. A natural lifestyle and home cooked food coupled with daily exercise will keep many ailments at bay.
Article Courtesy of Native Remedies

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Natural Cure For Premature Ejaculation

There are certain preconceived notions with regards to premature ejaculation. Such myths often lead to misdirected treatments and unnecessary reliance on sexual performance products. The sexual act is an intimate relationship between two individuals, in which satisfaction of the partners is more relevant than timing. Some males are able to maintain an erection for more than 20 minutes and still not be able to satisfy their partner who climaxes after, say, 35 minutes. In an another example, a male may ejaculate within 7 minutes of intercourse and still not be termed as premature, as his partner has had her orgasm before him. Moreover, many women are unable to orgasm with sexual intercourse alone.

If you have just attained puberty and have problems with timely ejaculation, there is a strong possibility that some underlying psychological problem you may or may not be aware of is troubling you. Maybe the previously instilled fear of discovery (e.g. while masturbating as a teenager) is still making you ejaculate early. In such cases, it is wise to consult a sex therapist or a counselor who can help in identifying and treating the problem.
If you have had satisfactory sex before and premature ejaculation is a recent phenomenon, you should have the condition assessed before your look for premature ejaculation options. Such assessment is necessary because there are no known physiological causes associated with it.
Treatment mostly depends upon the evaluation. For proper evaluation of the condition, discuss the following points with a therapist:
Detailed history - previous relationship in which premature ejaculation was not a problem.
The current relationship - whether premature ejaculation was present right from the beginning or later after some episodes of satisfactory coitus.
Quality of the present relationship - whether the relationship is smooth or beset with conflicts.
If your partner considers it a problem that relates to both of you, take her along to the therapist. It will help in better understanding of the problem you are facing.
Erectile dysfunction - if present, discuss whether the condition surfaced with premature ejaculation or after.
The general timing from penetration to climax.
If your partner is unable to have an orgasm during sexual relations, then you do not need treatment.
Many times a change in sexual position, like woman on top, helps ejaculatory control. If your partner is prone to have late orgasms, try the start-stop or squeeze method. Your partner can help you in this effective therapy for preventing premature ejaculation.
If there is a big gap between two sexual acts, try to masturbate before you plan to have sex, presuming you are young and able to obtain a second erection.
Oral drugs and penile injections can help, but only to a certain extent. Moreover, there are side effects associated with them. Some herbs like shilajit, ashwagandha and Ayurvedic formulations can benefit you. You should look towards oral drugs, vacuum pumps, and implants only when the above methods do not work, as they have their own complications.
Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Monday, 4 February 2008

Treatment Options For Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is the pain caused by a compression of the trigeminal nerve, the largest of the twelve nerves in the cranium. The trigeminal nerve is primarily responsible for sensation in the face and one of its three branches is responsible for the movement of the jaw as well.

One of the major causes of trigeminal neuralgia is the erosion of the nerve sheath which is actually a loss of the myelin covering of the nerve. Some other causes may include compression by an adjacent blood vessel, physical damage by dental or other surgeries, genetic predisposition or rarely, a tumor or multiple sclerosis. Abnormalities usually occur at the inner nerve fibers that carry the sensation.

The trigeminal nerve is similar to other sensory nerves like the sciatic nerve in the spinal region and the pain caused by compression can be as excruciating as sciatica. Most of the conventional treatments approach TN in a similar fashion as sciatic nerve treatment.

There is no specific remedy available for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia in homoeopathy. It is in the case of such symptoms and diseases where the holistic approach of all alternative therapies proves to be a handy tool in treatment. The homoeopathic approach to TN is to treat the overall symptoms and to strengthen the body so that it can heal itself.

A homoeopathic physician, in the case of TN, would first gather the following information in the minutest possible details about the pain and the patient:

* The kind of sensation.
* The timing of occurrence of the pain.
* The factors that triggers pain
* Eating habits and preference to certain foods, if any.
* Responses to heat and cold.
* Sleeping positions and patterns.
* Medical history of the family and the patient.
* Stress factors.

Howsoever insignificant some of the details may sound, in homoeopathy nothing is left to chance. In many cases a small stress factor in early life or the posture a patient sleeps in is of importance to identify the most suitable remedy. After correlating all the information, an attempt is made to treat TN as a constitutional disease rather than treating it as a local disease. Proper emphasis is given to the psychosomatic aspect because even if it is not likely to be a causative factor, a psychosomatic symptom may be a trigger that leads to trigeminal neuralgia.

As a trigeminal neuralgia and sciatica alternative remedy, homoeopathy has given remarkable results in alleviating pain and removing the underlying causes that lead to these conditions. Some of the major advantages of treating TN with homoeopathic remedies include effectiveness even in resistant cases, no side effects and reduction in frequency and severity of pain.

There are certain caveats attached to all homoeopathic treatments in relation to the food items that you have to avoid and a specialist is the right person to consult in this regard. Properly selected after studying all the symptoms, a homoeopathic remedy can be extremely effective.

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Weight Loss And Depression

Conventional medications are known for their side effects, which may range from mild to intense. These side effects can even get dangerous, if not controlled in time. There is a typical correlation between depression treatment and weight loss that needs to be viewed in the right perspective.

It has been seen that some antidepressants have appetite depressant properties. Whereas these antidepressants are approved for treating depression, their use as weight loss solutions is not recommended.

Depression patients are liable to be on medication for a long period of time. The weight loss in most cases is temporary and people tend to regain weight after they stop taking the medication. However, patients taking buproprion, a drug used for treating depression, have reported a substantial weight loss over a period of two years. The drug seems to act on the dopamine receptors in the body that leads to satiation even with smaller quantities of food.

The FDA has detailed strict regulations for how medications should be promoted by manufacturers. There are standards for approval and control that have been detailed for the purpose. But the FDA has no control over physicians who prescribe a drug for a different use from what it is actually approved for. For example, Amphetamines are advertised for treating some types of depression but they are rampantly prescribed for treating obesity. Such practice can prove to be dangerous because these medications have a strong potential for abuse or dependence.

Social views that reflect a certain degree of unwillingness to accept obesity as a disease usually deter obese patients to look for weight loss medications. Obesity is a long lasting and recurrent disease that requires persistent treatment over a protracted period of time. Generally there are two types of drugs prescribed for controlling weight:

* Drugs that suppress appetite or produce a feeling of satiation. These drugs make you feel less hungry by acting on the brain chemicals that control moods and appetite.
* Drugs that inhibit production of an enzyme called lipase. Lipase is a catalyst that helps in breaking down fats into fatty acids for easy absorption by the system. Lesser production means lesser absorption and therefore less fat.

Weight loss medications, even if they are approved and prescribed according to FDA rules, should only be used by patients who have a high medical risk due to their obesity. In addition, drugs can treat obesity only if used in conjunction with natural weight loss routines like exercise, yoga, and an active lifestyle. The same rider applies to those obese patients who opt for herbal weight loss remedies.

If you have problems with your weight it is highly recommended that you explore all aspects of obesity treatment before choosing the one that you feel is most apt.
Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Friday, 1 February 2008

How To Diagnose Sciatica

Diagnostic procedures for sciatica involve a series of processes that are required to establish the cause behind the pain. Sciatica is normally associated with compression of the sciatic nerve due to a slipped or a herniated disc. Degenerative disc disease is a condition that is brought about by the ageing process. The sciatic nerve is sometimes pinched by the piriformis muscle that is located deep in the buttocks. Sciatic pain can also be caused by conditions that are not related with disc. Bad postures can also lead to pseudo sciatica, a pain that is similar to sciatica.

Physical examination and the medical history of the patient are very important for diagnosing sciatica. The doctor needs to eliminate normal back pain or lumbago before proceeding for sciatic nerve treatment. There is always a possibility that a difference in lengths of the two legs may cause pain in the lower back. Such conditions are easily corrected with a built-up shoe.

Medical history, in most of the cases, is able to identify patients that are likely to have a herniated disc. Sciatic pain is superficial and localized. It also gives a feeling of numbness or tingling. It aggravates when pressure is applied between discs.

A clinical examination, more or less, confirms doubts, if any. Physical examinations include the following procedures.

* The patient may be asked to lie down, face upward and the affected leg is then raised to various heights. This is done for determining the exact point of compression
* The doctor may also ask the patient to rotate the hip joint. Pain caused by these movements help in pinpointing the location of the pain and assessing the hip muscles.
* Testing the strength of bending backward of the ankles and toes can also indicate the position where the nerve is likely to be pinched. A weakness in bending backwards indicates an L-5 dysfunction.
* Testing reflexes of ankles to assess S-1 root function.

Symptoms like disability in walking suggest nerve root compression. In cases symptoms are severe enough to consider a surgical intervention the physical examination is mostly followed by other investigative procedures. To confirm any doubts the physician might ask for, any or all of the following tests to be done.

* X-Rays
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
* Computed Tomography (CT) Scan.
* Electromyography - passing an electric current through a nerve to record the electrical waves associated with the activity of skeletal muscles.
* Myelography - X-rays done after injecting a contrast medium into the space between vertebrae.

Diagnosing sciatica is a complex procedure. Since the pain can be indicative of other conditions as well, it is also necessary to rule out more serious conditions like infection or cancer. Sciatic is a progressive disease that can immobilize the patient to a great extent. Sciatica alternative remedies like exercises, yoga and acupuncture can be very effective to stem the progress of a highly developmental condition. On the first signs of pain in the lower back an examination by a specialist is highly recommended. Article courtesy of Native Remedies.

Here is a testimonial :-

I have suffered with sciatica and spent wasted hours seeking medical treatment without results. I purchased Sciatigon and received relief the first day. Within 3 days the symptoms completely subsided with consistent use of the product. Thank you for giving me my life back!

—Myra, AL