Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Alli Diet Pills - For And Against

The US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) have formerly endorsed the new weight loss pill, now available at stores without any prescription. This drug is known as 'Alli".

The Alli diet pill is a lower potency of the prescription weight loss drug, Xenical, (also known as Orlistat). Clinical trials of Xenical reported an average weight loss of 12.4 pounds over a period of six months. Clinical trials also indicated that the drug is stable and effective, leading to significant weight loss by reducing absorption of fatty acids and limiting calorie intake.

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The drug restricts the production of the enzyme that breaks up fat. This instantly results in lesser calorie intake as the entire fat content cannot be converted into fatty acids. It is thus possible to control weight by reducing the amount of fatty acids retained by the body. As the Alli Diet Pill has a lower potency of Xenical, it controls weight loss by adjustments in dosage.

Any drug that interferes with the natural metabolic process has a flip side to it. There are some issues that are being ignored by consumers caught in the recent euphoria. The main reason fro the euphoria is the approval for over-the-counter sale of this drug by the FDA. Since no prescription is now required to obtain this drug, anyone can lay their hands on it without the need for a prescription from a medical doctor.

The drug is not known to work unless there is some amount of fat in your diet. On the other hand if fat intake is not restricted, the results can be fairly embarrassing – you may begin to wonder whether you were toilet trained at all. As Alli restricts break up of fat, the remaining fats find their way out through stools in their undigested stage. This results in bad smelling oily stools. Another manner in which the drug can cause embarrassment is excessive flatulence. Although a natural and harmless release, flatulence can get extremely embarrassing since it is coupled with partial control over bowels.

If you already have an irritable bowel syndrome where diarrhea is a predominant symptom, Alli diet pills can add to your problems to a large extent.

Some Vitamins have a fatty content. The restricted absorption of fats can potentially cause Vitamin deficiency.

The unprecedented popularity of Alli is being ascribed to the growing incidence of obesity. However, it cannot be denied that for many, overweight is more of a personal and cosmetic concern rather than a health issue. Alli used for non-genuine weight loss, simply to get a wafer thin modeling figure, is tantamount to just inviting side effects.

- The reported weight loss in clinical trials was achieved in conjunction with other healthy weight loss plans and not only with the use of Alli. Moreover, the placebo patients too lost half of what those on Alli did. And this happened over a period of six months. You can still chose to stick to safe natural weight loss remedies and lose weight naturally


Monday, 28 July 2008

Which Diet is Best - Alkaline Or Acidic Diet?

Our bodies are naturally alkaline so if we eat too many acidic foods, then that is going to upset the balance. Getting the balance right is the secret of which diet is best for you !

Any unbiased dietician will tell you that our diet today is more inclined towards being acidic. It is no surprise, then, that the increase in incidence of diseases like cancer, cardiovascular problems and diabetes is highly correlated with the intake of acid forming foods; foods that are part of our daily fast-food diet. These foods contain high levels of sugars and saturated fats. The human body is naturally alkaline and therefore high levels of acid-producing foods upset the acid-alkaline balance.

However, just because the human body is alkaline, it does not mean that all foods that we intake should be alkaline in nature. Good health basically depends upon striking a healthy balance between the acidity and alkalinity produced in our body.

The human body performs best in an internal environment that as a pH level of 7.39. pH refers to power of hydrogen, which is arrived at by calculating the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14.

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Pure water has a neutral pH of 7. A pH between 7 and 14 indicates an alkaline environment while a pH between 0 and 7 indicates an acidic one. Since the human body should have a pH level of 7.39, it means that the internal biochemical environment, as a whole, should be slightly alkaline. The range between which the body can function efficiently is also very small.

To maintain the ideal pH levels, it is essential that we understand the acidity or alkalinity of various foods to be able to balance the overall effect that our diet has on our internal flora. All foods are classified as acidic or alkaline. This is done on the basis of the ash that they leave behind after they go through a metamorphosis during the process of metabolism.

Since one of the causes of specific diseases is understood to be based on the level of acidity or alkalinity of the human body, many ‘so called’ healthy weight loss plans recommend all acidic or all alkaline foods to treat the specific disease. However, eating optimally to achieve the ideal pH level is a more recommended option.

Generally speaking dairy products, meat, seeds, legumes and nuts leave behind an acidic ash. On the other hand, most fruits and vegetables have an alkaline residue. Citrus fruits are generally understood to be acidic in their natural state but turn alkaline once they have been metabolized. Moreover, cranberries, plums and prunes fall under acidic fruits as the acids they contain cannot be metabolized by the human body.

If you want to lose weight and feel that you want to opt in for those ‘quick weight loss’ diets, make sure that you know the overall pH levels of the diet plan. It is also necessary to learn how supplements touted as healthy weight loss supplements affect your internal biochemistry.

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Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Trans Fats Are Bad For Your Prostate

Trans Fats Are Bad For Your Prostate: "And for lots of other things as well, like heart disease, high cholesterol and prostate cancer. So much so that California Fridayhas banned trans fats in restaurants and retail baked goods. New York and Philadelphia have already banned them."

Friday, 25 July 2008

Coping With Mood Swings

The first lesson in managing emotions and mood swings is to understand that emotions are inner feelings that arise and that there is nothing right or wrong about them. It is not right to be judgmental about even negative feelings. Emotions have to be differentiated from feelings, moods and disposition. Feelings are subjective and do not take into account the objective reality. Disposition refers to a durable and differentiating characteristic of a person. Mood is an emotional state somewhere between an emotion and a disposition. Coping with mood swings is often difficult.

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Psychologically, emotions are complex responses of the nervous system, negative as well as positive, to external or internal stimuli. They are also considered to be a cognitive process. A brain that lacks emotions is considered to be incomplete. Dealing with your emotions and managing them is an essential constituent of social life. A willingness to give them a positive direction can help you in becoming a better person.

The primary step towards managing emotions is to learn how to deal with stress. Moderate levels of stress are good since it motivates and challenges. But stress that builds up and reaches intolerable levels can affect performance at work places and health.

Understanding other people’s emotions (something we call putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes) helps in dealing with emotions. It is however essential to understand your own emotions as well. There is an old saying, “count till ten before you get angry”. That counting is actually meant to let you think and identify the reason behind the anger.

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Try to find what your feelings mean. If you are in fear, try to find ways that will make you feel safe. If you are sad, identify the cause and look for ways to comfort yourself. You may need help from a friend or a counselor.

If you are angry, identify the cause and fix it. Your anger could be due to another issue or an earlier bad experience. Go directly to the person you are angry with and try to settle the issue. This becomes easy if you try to understand the other person’s point of view. Or else, try arguing with you own self to see if it really matters.

If you are happy, make the most of it without getting complacent of your duties. At the same time mark the situation so that you can recreate it.

Being aware of the emotions that you are undergoing and the reasons behind those emotions can help you control it. Express your feelings to someone you trust and you may get a completely opposite assessment of the situation. The underlying idea is to evaluate emotions before they get the better of you. If you can redirect your emotion to a positive one, you may find that what you were contemplating was futile and unjustified. Emotions are strong feelings that take place within the mind and can be influenced by individual bias. Objectivity and a positive mental attitude are actually the best ways of managing emotions.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Thursday, 24 July 2008

New Prostate Cancer Drug Trial

New Prostate Cancer Drug Trial: "The new prostate drug is called abiraterone which has been found to shrink tumours and relieve pain in eight out of 10 men with aggressive and incurable prostate cancer."

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Managing Teen Grief - Workshop Activities

Life is full of ups and downs and when grief strikes a teenager, it may become even more difficult to deal with as they are already undergoing a state of emotional turmoil. Managing teen grief through workshops is a way to help teens to get through this difficult period. Unable to understand the import of life events in their correct perspective, there is a great possibility of the young mind interpreting a situation with trumped up logic. Some general signs that death or a personal loss may bring about in adolescents include:

A long period of sadness and sorrow

during which interest in daily activities is lost.

Refusal to attend school or a drop in grades.

Repetitive statements of wanting to join the dead.

Withdrawal from friends, hyper-activity or keeping too busy.

Considering that today’s teens are extremely stressed out and that some teens may view the entire situation to be extremely negatively, it is possible that adolescents can slowly fall into a state of clinical depression due to grief. Extreme grief can have serious consequences and in many instances teens are known to resort to substance abuse, casual and indiscriminate sexual behavior, anti-social and criminal activities or suicide. Many private and community associations have come forward by offering grief counseling in schools. They also offer these services to communities that are socially more vulnerable.

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Grief counselors often use the strategy of patient listening and subtle suggestions on individual basis. Group activities have also been found to be effective. Teens are given an opportunity to openly express their feelings amongst people in similar situations with whom they can identify with. Group activities like art therapy and writing are frequently used to reach out to the teenager to help give expression to emotions. This also gives an insight into the inner turmoil that helps in a proper assessment of the emotional distress that the teenager may be passing through.

The basic goals of group activities are:

To provide a therapeutic environmental condition that enables adolescents to go through the necessary stages of mourning in a healthy manner. This minimizes the negative impact and promotes emotional wellness

Help youngsters to perceive grief as a normal human reaction to death. Adolescents are very concerned with being seen as normal. The group format induces a sense of positive identity in the grieving adolescent as groups give mutual aid and a means for re-entering the mainstream.

Create an atmosphere of compassion and support

Remove any sense of guilt that may be compelling the child to blame himself or herself for the loss.

Regain control over their lives and get on with their normal routine activities.

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Sessions that help teens to view the loss in the larger context of life as a continuous struggle provide a tool for teens to move forward in life instead of stagnation that grief is liable to result in.

Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Monday, 21 July 2008

ADA Diet Plans

The ADA (American Diabetic Association) has issued guidelines and diet plans to help control diabetes. Read on ...

Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes is a syndrome that is characterized by metabolic disorders and high blood sugar. This is caused by low levels of insulin (Type 1) or abnormal resistance to the effects of insulin (Type 2). Uncontrolled diabetes can cause complications like abnormally low blood pressure, acidosis with an accumulation of ketone bodies or diabetic coma.

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While adequate treatment can control the progress of the disease, increased emphasis on controlling blood pressure and adopting lifestyle changes are critical for improving the risk profile of the complications associated with diabetes. Diabetes Type 2 is usually treated by increasing overall activity and a weight loss diet. Even Type 1 patients, who are not overweight at the onset of the disease, are advised to lose weight naturally

The American Diabetic Association (ADA), in its efforts to improve the quality of life of diabetics and those who are at an increased risk, encourages ADA diets. These are healthy weight loss plans based on appropriate nourishment that strike a balance between all food groups.

Based on individual needs, different diets are recommended that are qualified according to the calorie intake. ADA diets have strict regulations on the servings and the timing of the meals. Depending upon specific requirements, ADA diets may comprise of 6 meals or two meals and two snacks and so on and so forth.

All low carbohydrate diets claim to be effective for diabetics. But the ADA refuses to accept them because even though low carbohydrate diets help in keeping blood sugar in check, they are extremely difficult to sustain over long periods of time. Low carbohydrate diets like the Atkins diet are often called fad diets.

Much of the carbohydrate is converted within hours to monosaccharide glucose, the principle carbohydrate in the blood that is used by the body as fuel for energy. But all carbohydrates are not equal. Complex carbohydrates take a longer time to convert to glucose and therefore do not result in sudden increases in blood sugar levels. Most fruit sugars do not convert to glucose but are usable as cellular fuel. They do not participate in the insulin/glucose metabolic process. However, it should be noted that many low carbohydrate diets limit or restrict fruits. Fruits are also necessary for their fibrous content, which provides bulk to the waste and helps in easy elimination and detoxification.

Diabetes is a long term disease that requires life long treatment and diet management. Low carbohydrate diets, besides being controversial, bring about metabolic changes that diabetics cannot afford to experiment with.


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Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Coping With Teen Depression

Life is a tough nut to crack and the teen years are even tougher. Teenage is the time when kids come to terms with some new and hard realities of life. They learn certain things even as their brain is not completely capable of handling the pressures that come along with sensitive information. Most teens are capable of developing a strong sense of self by building relationships, academic success and proficiency in specific areas. This is a natural way through which they are able to fight anxiety. Unluckily, some teens are structured differently and are unable to handle stress, anxiety or the pressures that society puts upon them. Sometimes parents do not know even where to begin in coping with teen depression.

It may be debated that teen depression always existed and that we are simply becoming more aware of it now. But the fact of the matter is that child depression is also on the rise and it occurs more often than what we would like to believe. It is important here to distinguish occasional mood swings and feeling of sadness from depression. Transient feelings of despondency are expected in teenagers. Such periodic phases can be tackled with support from parents, family and peers.

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Children depend on their parents to recognize the signs of depression and provide timely teen depression help . While clinical depression would necessitate a visit to a specialist for treatment, you can help your teenagers in overcoming fears and apprehensions by talking to them. Teens usually idolize a parent and therefore it is pertinent that the idolized parent talks to the child when an emotional upheaval is sensed. Here are some guidelines as to how to approach a depressed teen.

1. Do not bombard your child with too many questions. Let him know that you are aware that teenage poses a challenge for everyone and that you are there to provide unconditional support. Teenagers are usually averse to patronage and do not like to be instructed what to do.

2. Patience is the name of the game. It is most likely that the child will try his/her level best to withhold information about the specific thing that is troubling him/her. Express your concern and willingness to help but at the same time do not impinge beyond the child’s privacy.

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3. Talk in a non-judgmental manner. Remember that you have to see the problem from the teen’s perspective and not yours. The matter may be trivial or laughable from your perspective but if you let out the slightest hint that you feel the issue is trivial, you may lose the opportunity of talking to your child forever. Recognize the child’s pain and try to identify with it.

4. Do not lecture, rebuke or speak loudly. Respect the child’s problem and discuss the options available. If you force a solution, it is likely to be countered and discarded. Let the actual solution come from him. Simply guide the child towards what you consider to be the best solution and let him/her choose it.

The child has no idea that he/she is suffering from depression and is likely to deny and emphatically claim that nothing is wrong. In such instances, you have to trust your instincts. If you have built up a trusted relationship with your teen, there is a strong possibility that you may come to know of the problem yourself. If all this comes to a naught, it may be time to seek professional teen depression help elsewhere.

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Article Courtesy Of Native Remedies