Monday, 27 April 2009

Is ADHD Medication the Answer To Bad Behavior ?

Parents often want to know what effects ADHD medications will have on their child. Hard to tell but we now know that about 20% of children with ADHD just cannot cope with the medications due to the severe side effects. In addition bad behavior is not going to be cured using psychostimulants either ! Read the article below to find what you have to do to make sure your ADHD child is going to learn how to behave . This is just one of the things you will learn if you take an ADHD behavior therapy course.

Out of Control Behavior: Should I Medicate My Child?


Sunday, 26 April 2009

Parenting ADHD Kids - Who Is The Good Cop?

ADHD kids will soon exploit any weaknesses in their parents' armour and a classic one is where one of the parents takes a different stand on discipline issues or even how to interpret certain rules. There is some confusion about what is the bottom line in parenting ADHD kids. Read the article below to see how a united stand is essential in running your family. If one of you is the 'good cop' then there is something wrong ! Read also now ADHD behavior therapy/family therapy can transform your whole family life for the better.

Good Cop/Bad Cop Parenting


Thursday, 16 April 2009

ADHD Behavior Therapy

Find out why ADHD behavior therapy is going to save your sanity and help you to raise difficult kids, teens with ADHD and a host of other parenting skills and techniques.