Thursday, 29 October 2009

Help With ADHD

Ritalin, as the main drug used to treat ADHD in children is nothing else but a fancy name for an amphetamine which, of course is a Schedule II class drug and that means there is a risk of substance abuse and addiction. Why do you think that Adderall, another one of these popular ADHD drugs will sell on a school parking lot for as much as $15 a tablet ? Where can parents get help with ADHD, apart from the doctors's office ?

Will pills teach skills ? I doubt it ! Parenting is exhausting and many parents, once they get the ADHD diagnosis for their kids, are content to give them the pills and little else! This is why parenting skills is so important because the shocking fact is that after a period of two to three years, the benefits of these drugs in alleviating ADHD, wears off ! Helping kids with ADHD means using behavior modification techniques and also finding a treatment which is not risky or has disturbing side effects.

Help With ADHD

Parenting Skills ?

Natural Cures For ADHD