Everybody knows that ADHD in boys is much more common and statistics seem to indicate that there are three times as many boys as girls who are suffering from this disorder.
But is that really true? Actually, the fact that ADHD in girls manifests in several different ways means simply that the whole ADHD scenario is swept under the carpet or just simply goes unnoticed until the later teen years when trouble with keeping up with homework assignments makes it a bit more obvious. Alarmingly, the number of girls missed could be up to 75% of cases.
The boys with ADHD are much easier to observe especially as they seem to suffer more from the hyperactive type. That certainly makes it a whole lot more obvious.
In girls, however, their dreaminess and forgetfulness seems to fly under the radar. There is also some discrimination in that teachers seem to think that boys need more help with ADHD than girls.
If you think your daughter or female sibling has ADHD, there are some typical warning signs that may indicate that ADHD might be the cause. Being alert to these is very useful in getting as early a diagnosis as possible.
If you are a teacher and have observed some of these traits among the girls in your classes, then it is time to approach the parents and find out what they are experiencing at home and if they have noticed any similar signs. This will be a great help in getting an early and accurate diagnosis.