Saturday, 8 May 2010

Best Treatment For ADHD Is Teaching Skills Not Pills!

You know the joke which is going around? If a kid has ADHD, treat the parents! There is lots of wisdom and truth in this little joke because every one of the trials, research are pointing to the fact that if parents follow child behavior modification programs then their kids have a much greater chance of success in adulthood and also of NOT carrying the condition into adulthood which is a big issue for our society to-day. Imagine if there was no adult ADHD. There would be a dramatic drop in car accidents, drug abuse and divorces!

By utilizing efficient child behavior modification techniques mother and father will learn specific expertise and methods which will enable them to aid ADHD kids analyze their behavior and understand through a series of rewards and consequences why certain behavior is either acceptable or off limits.

We now know from all the statistics which are thrown at us on the Internet that about 60% of kids with ADHD are more than likely to have problem conduct associated with aggression, defiance, violence and meltdowns.

How do you deal with an argument? Shout back? Have you ever considered utilizing time out for yourself? Have you set the limits for your ADHD kid and does he know what the bottom line is for certain types of behavior and what the consequences are. Which is exactly what mother and father are taught in a child behavior modification plan. Maybe they should be referred to as parent conduct programs!

It's interesting to read that in the UK now, it's becoming increasingly common for mother and father to be provided government funding for attending this sort of course where they're taught how to set the boundaries and limits. That is key to treating any conduct problem whether it's ADHD or not.

The British model should be followed inside the USA according to William Pelham who is an expert on ADHD and child behavior. All too often youngsters are given pills but they never teach them any skills for managing life's daily tasks and growing up to take responsibility for their actions. The fantastic thing about kid behavior programs are that you will find no side effects at all ,unlike the ADHD medications which can lead to insomnia and stunted growth.

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