Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Happy Hanukkah - Gift Ideas

Here are some great gift ideas for a Happy Hanukkah. Menorah candles (to celebrate the miracle of the oil lasting eight days after the siege of the Syrians in the second century BC).

Dreidels . These are tops used to play a special game. The sides are labeled
with the Hebrew letters Nun, Gimmel, Hay, and Shin. This is an abbreviation for the phrase "Nes Gadol Haya Shom" or "A Great Miracle Happened There".

Beeswax candles, Olive Oil Vials or prefilled solid oil canisters or pure olive oil for the Menorah.

Hannukah cards and banners

Hanukkah spreaders, tidbit trays and section trays.

Shopping for Hanukkah

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