Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Have A Green Hanukkah

Here are some ways to make your Hanukkah 'green'.
- Save paper and send an e-card.

- Make your own gifts. Especially from children, homemade gifts are often more special than anything you can buy. Take a photo and design a frame for it, knit a scarf for the winter or make a set of beeswax candles for someone to burn in their chanukiyah ... There are lots of great books about homemade gifts in your library.

- Give Hanukkah gelt in the form of tzedakah - donations - to an environmental organization of your choice in honor of a friend or relative.

- Adopt an animal, plant a tree or buy an acre of rain forest in someone's honor.

- Give food. Edible gifts are always great for holidays. Bake someone a batch of cookies in Hanukkah shapes, cook sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts, a traditional Hanukkah treat) or be more creative.

- Get something that's both useful and reusable: A travel mug, cloth bag, linen napkins, reusable lunchbox, etc.

- Make your own gift certificate or coupon. You could give someone a night at the movies, one week of walking the dog, etc. This is a great way to give someone exactly what he or she wants.

- Buy someone an environmental book, subscription to an environmental magazine or a membership to a museum or zoo - a gift they can enjoy all year.

- Instead of regular gift wrap, use recycled or reusable packaging or a piece of cloth tied with ribbon.

These suggestions can be used by holiday celebrators of all faiths at this time of year.

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